La Otra Forma

Colombia | 2023 | 83m | No Dialogue

Directed by: Diego Felipe Guzmán

Genres: Animation, Sci-Fi, Fantasy


In a future where humanity has built a "Square Paradise" on the Moon, accessible only to those who conform both physically and mentally to a cubic ideal, Peter Press has spent 20 years reshaping himself with corrective devices to fit in. Just as he’s about to achieve his dream of entering this paradise, an incident forces him to see a different shape, challenging his beliefs and threatening his chance to leave Earth. As Peter confronts the last trace of his individuality, he must decide whether to continue conforming or embrace his true nature.


En un futuro donde la humanidad ha construido un "Paraíso Cuadrado" en la Luna, accesible solo para aquellos que se conforman tanto física como mentalmente a un ideal cúbico, Peter Press ha pasado 20 años moldeándose con dispositivos correctivos para encajar. Justo cuando está a punto de lograr su sueño de entrar en este paraíso, un incidente lo obliga a ver una forma diferente, desafiando sus creencias y poniendo en peligro su oportunidad de abandonar la Tierra. Al enfrentarse con el último rastro de su individualidad, Peter debe decidir si seguir conformándose o abrazar su verdadera naturaleza.


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