
Puerto Rico | 2024 | 85m | Spanish

Directed by: Benjamin Cardona

Genres: Drama, LGBTQ+


After a period of mourning, Memo tries to reintegrate into society at the request of his cousin and caregiver, Lily, who has moved into his home to help him stay afloat. When the emotional burden becomes too heavy, Lily contacts her former boss and secures a job for Memo at a local supermarket. There, Frankie, a mischievous cashier, and Marie, a kind-hearted girl, take an immediate interest in him. Back in society, the haunting memories of a painful incident challenge Memo to confront a past that won’t let him go and an uncertain future.


Tras un período de duelo, Memo intenta reintegrarse a la sociedad por petición de su prima y cuidadora Lily, que se ha mudado al hogar para mantenerlo a flote. Cuando la carga se hace muy pesada, Lily contacta a su antiguo jefe y le consigue trabajo a Memo en un supermercado local. Frankie y Marie, un cajero pícaro y una chica con alma noble, cobran interés inmediato en él. Ya en sociedad, los recuerdos sonoros de un incidente lacerante retan a Memo a enfrentar un pasado que no le libera y un futuro incierto.


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